Exky Smart Copper Indoor Garden

27,947 Points

Product Description

From the Veritable Exky Smart Collection. Veritable allows everyone to grow their herbs, edible flowers, young shoots and mini-vegetables all year round without effort. Discover Veritable indoor vegetable gardens and their Lingots Basil, Thyme, Chives, Parsley, Tomatoes, Peppers, Mizuna, Watercress ... and many others! Exky Smart is the smallest and most efficient smart indoor garden that allows you to effortlessly grow herbs, greens and vegetables in your kitchen. It is totally self-sufficient: it takes care of your plants so you can harvest flavorful healthy food all year round. Its ultra-compact and sleek design makes it a great fit in all kitchens. Thanks to its technology, plants in EXKY grow 3 times faster than in the nature to enjoy bountiful harvests!